la_forge package


la_forge.core module

class la_forge.core.Core(chaindir=None, corepath=None, burn=0.25, label=None, fancy_par_names=None, chain=None, params=None, pt_chains=False, skiprows=0)[source]

Bases: object

An object that stores the parameters and chains from a bayesian analysis. Currently configured specifically for posteriors produced by PTMCMCSampler.


Directory with chains and file with parameter names. Currently supports chains as {‘chain_1.txt’,’’} and parameters as {‘pars.txt’,’params.txt’,’pars.npy’} . If chains are stored in a FITS file it is assumed that the parameters are listed as the column names.


Name of the core.

burnint, optional

Number of samples burned from beginning of chain. Used when calculating statistics and plotting histograms.

fancy_par_nameslist of str

List of strings provided as names to be used when plotting parameters. Must be the same length as the parameter list associated with the chains.

chainarray, optional

Array that contains samples from an MCMC chain that is samples x param in shape. Loaded from file if dir given as chaindir.

paramslist, optional

List of parameters that corresponds to the parameters in the chain. Is loaded automatically if in the chain directory given above.


Path to an already saved core. Assumed to be an hdf5 file made with la_forge.


Whether to load all higher temperature chains from a parallel tempering (PT) analysis.


Number of rows to skip while loading a chain text file. This effectively acts as a burn in, which can not be changed once the file is loaded (unless loade again). Useful when dealing with large chains and loading multiple times.

credint(param, onesided=False, interval=68)[source]

Returns credible interval of parameter given.

paramstr, list of str
onesidedbool, optional

Whether to calculate a one sided or two sided credible interval. The onesided option gives an upper limit.

interval: float, optional

Width of interval in percent. Default set to 68%.


Return a dictionary of the max a postori values for the parameters in the core. The keys are the appropriate parameter names.


Returns maximum a posteri value of samples for the parameter given.

get_param(param, to_burn=True)[source]

Returns array of samples for the parameter given.

param can either be a single list or list of strings.

get_param_credint(param, onesided=False, interval=68)[source]

Returns credible interval of parameter given.

paramstr, list of str
onesidedbool, optional

Whether to calculate a one sided or two sided credible interval. The onesided option gives an upper limit.

interval: float, optional

Width of interval in percent. Default set to 68%.


Returns median of parameter given.

property map_idx

Maximum a posteri parameter values. From burned chain.

property map_params

Return all Maximum a posteri parameters.


Returns median of parameter provided. Can be given as a string or list of strings.


Save Core object as HDF5.


Set number of samples to burn.

burnint, float

An integer designating the number of samples to remove from beginning of chain. A float between 0 and 1 can also be used, which will estimate the integer value as a fraction of the full array length.


Set fancy_par_names.

set_rn_freqs(freqs=None, Tspan=None, nfreqs=30, log=False, partimdir=None, psr=None, freq_path='fourier_components.txt')[source]

Set gaussian process red noise frequency array.

freqslist or array of floats

List or array of frequencies used for red noise gaussian process.

Tspanfloat, optional

Timespan of the data set. Used for calculating frequencies. Linear array is calculated as [1/Tspan, … ,nfreqs/Tspan].

nfreqsint, optional

Number of frequencies used for red noise gaussian process.

logbool, optional

Whether to use a log-linear space when calculating the frequency array.

partimdirstr, optional

Directory with pulsar data (assumed the same for tim and par files.) Calls the utils.get_Tspan() method which loads an enterprise.Pulsar(psr,partimdir) and extracts the timespan.

psrstr, optional

Puslar name, used when get the time span by loading enterprise.Pulsar() as in the documentation of partimdir above. It is assumed that there is only one par and tim file in the directory with this pulsar name in the file name.

freq_pathstr, optional

Path to a txt file containing the rednoise frequencies to be used.

Array of red noise frequencies.
class la_forge.core.HyperModelCore(label=None, param_dict=None, chaindir=None, burn=0.25, corepath=None, fancy_par_names=None, chain=None, params=None, pt_chains=False, skiprows=0)[source]

Bases: Core

A class to make cores for the chains made by the enterprise_extensions HyperModel framework.


Return a core that only contains the parameters and samples from a single HyperModel model.

class la_forge.core.TimingCore(chaindir=None, burn=0.25, label=None, fancy_par_names=None, chain=None, params=None, pt_chains=False, tm_pars_path=None)[source]

Bases: Core

A class for cores that use the enterprise_extensions timing framework. The Cores for timing objects need special attention because they are sampled in a standard format, rather than using the real parameter ranges. These Cores allow for automatic handling of the parameters.

get_param(param, to_burn=True, tm_convert=True)[source]

Returns array of samples for the parameter given. Will convert timing parameters to physical units based on TimingCore.tm_pars_orig entries. Will also accept shortened timing model parameter names, like PX.

param can either be a single list or list of strings.

mass_function(PB, A1)[source]

Computes Keplerian mass function, given projected size and orbital period.


Orbital period [days]


Projected semimajor axis [lt-s]

mass function

Mass function [solar mass]


Computes the companion mass from the Keplerian mass function. This function uses a Newton-Raphson method since the equation is transcendental.


la_forge.diagnostics module module

class, pta, chain=None, burn=None, p_list='all', core=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class for building Gaussian process realizations from enterprise models.

reconstruct_signal(gp_type='achrom_rn', det_signal=False, mlv=False, idx=None, condition=False, eps=1e-16)[source]
gp_typestr, {‘achrom_rn’,’gw’,’DM’,’none’,’all’,timing parameters}

Type of gaussian process signal to be reconstructed. In addition any GP in psr.fitpars or Signal_Reconstruction.gp_types may be called.

[‘achrom_rn’,’red_noise’] : Return the achromatic red noise.

[‘DM’] : Return the timing-model parts of dispersion model.

[timing parameters] : Any of the timing parameters from the linear timing model. A list is available as psr.fitpars.

[‘timing’] : Return the entire timing model.

[‘gw’] : Gravitational wave signal. Works with common process in full PTAs.

[‘none’] : Returns no Gaussian processes. Meant to be used for returning only a deterministic signal.

[‘all’] : Returns all Gaussian processes.


Whether to include the deterministic signals in the reconstruction.


Whether to use the maximum likelihood value for the reconstruction.

idxint, optional

Index of the chain array to use.


A reconstruction of a single gaussian process signal realization.

sample_posterior(samp_idx, array_params=['alphas', 'rho', 'nE'])[source]

la_forge.rednoise module

la_forge.rednoise.determine_if_limit(vals, threshold=0.1, minval=-10, lower_q=0.3)[source]
Function to determine if an array or list of values is sufficiently

separate from the minimum value.

valsarray or list
threshold: float

Threshold above minval for determining whether to count as twosided interval.

minval: float

Minimum possible value for posterior.

lower_q: float

Percentile value to evaluate lower bound.

la_forge.rednoise.get_Tspan(pulsar, filepath=None, fourier_components=None, datadir=None)[source]

Function for getting timespan of a set of pulsar dataself.


Filepath to a txt file with pulsar name and timespan in two columns. If supplied this file is used to return the timespan.

fourier_componentslist or array

Frequencies used in gaussian process modeling. If given 1/numpy.amin(fourier_components) is retruned as timespan.


Directory with pulsar data (assumed the same for tim and par files.) Calls the utils.get_Tspan() method which loads an enterprise.Pulsar() and extracts the timespan.


Get red noise frequency array from a core, with error message if noise array has not been included.

la_forge.rednoise.plot_free_spec(core, axis, parname_root, prior_min=None, ci=95, violin=False, Color='k', Fillstyle='full', plot_ul=False, verbose=True, Tspan=None)[source]

Plots red noise free spectral parameters in units of residual time. Determines whether the posteriors should be considered as a fit a parameter or as upper limits of the given parameter and plots accordingly.


la_forge.core.Core() object which contains the posteriors for the relevant red noise parameters to be plotted.


Matplotlib.pyplot axis object to append various red noise parameter plots.


Name of red noise free spectral coefficient parameters.

prior_minfloat, None, ‘bayes’

Minimum value for uniform or log-uniform prior used in search over free spectral coefficients. If ‘bayes’ is used then a gorilla_bf calculation is done to determine if confidence interval should be plotted.

verbosebool, optional
Colorstr, optional

Color of the free spectral coefficient markers.

Fillstylestr, optional

Fillstyle for the free spectral coefficient markers.

Tspanfloat, optional

Timespan of the data set. Used for converting amplitudes to residual time. Calculated from lowest red noise frequency if not provided.

la_forge.rednoise.plot_powerlaw(core, axis, amp_par, gam_par, verbose=True, Color='k', Linestyle='-', n_realizations=0, Tspan=None, to_resid=True)[source]

Plots a power law line from the given parmeters in units of residual time.


la_forge.core.Core() object which contains the posteriors for the relevant red noise parameters to be plotted.


Matplotlib.pyplot axis object to append various red noise parameter plots.


Name of red noise powerlaw amplitude parameter.


Name of red noise powerlaw spectral index parameter (gamma).

verbosebool, optional
n_realizationsint, optional

Number of realizations to plot.

Colorlist, optional

Color to make the plot.

Tspanfloat, optional

Timespan of the data set. Used for converting amplitudes to residual time. Calculated from lowest red noise frequency if not provided.

la_forge.rednoise.plot_rednoise_spectrum(pulsar, cores, show_figure=True, rn_types=None, plot_2d_hist=True, verbose=True, Tspan=None, title_suffix='', freq_yr=1, plotpath=None, cmap='gist_rainbow', n_plaw_realizations=0, n_tproc_realizations=1000, n_bplaw_realizations=100, Colors=None, bins=30, labels=None, legend=True, legend_loc=None, leg_alpha=1.0, Bbox_anchor=(0.5, -0.25, 1.0, 0.2), freq_xtra=None, free_spec_min=None, free_spec_ci=95, free_spec_violin=False, free_spec_ul=False, ncol=None, plot_density=None, plot_contours=None, add_2d_scatter=None, bplaw_kwargs={}, return_plot=False, excess_noise=False, levels=(0.39346934, 0.86466472, 0.988891))[source]

Function to plot various red noise parameters in the same figure.


List of la_forge.core.Core() objects which contain the posteriors for the relevant red noise parameters to be plotted.

Tspanfloat, optional

Timespan of the data set. Used for converting amplitudes to residual time. Calculated from lowest red noise frequency if not provided.

rn_typeslist {‘’,’_dm_gp’,’_chrom_gp’,’_red_noise’}

List of strings to choose which type of red noise parameters are used in each of the plots.

plot_2d_histbool, optional

Whether to include two dimensional histogram of powerlaw red noise parameters.

verbosebool, optional
title_suffixstr, optional

Added to title of red noise plot as: ‘Red Noise Spectrum: ‘ + pulsar + ‘ ‘ + title_suffix

freq_yrint , optional

Number of 1/year harmonics to include in plot.

plotpathstr, optional

Path and file name to which plot will be saved.

cmapstr, optional

Color map from which to cycle plot colrs, if not given in Colors kwarg.

n_plaw_realizationsint, optional

Number of powerlaw realizations to plot.

n_tproc_realizationsint, optional

Number of T-process realizations to plot.

Colorslist, optional

List of colors to cycle through in plots.

labelslist, optional

Labels of various plots, for legend.

legend_loctuple or str, optional

Legend location with respect to Bbox_anchor.

leg_alphafloat, optional

Opacity of legend background.

Bbox_anchortuple, optional

This is the bbox_to_anchor value for the legend.

la_forge.rednoise.plot_tprocess(core, axis, alpha_parname_root, amp_par, gam_par, Color='k', n_realizations=100, Tspan=None)[source]

Plots a power law line from the given parmeters in units of residual time.


la_forge.core.Core() object which contains the posteriors for the relevant red noise parameters to be plotted.


Matplotlib.pyplot axis object to append various red noise parameter plots.


Root of the t-process coefficient names, i.e. for J1713+0747_red_noise_alphas_0 give: ‘J1713+0747_red_noise_alphas’.


Name of red noise powerlaw amplitude parameter.


Name of red noise powerlaw spectral index parameter (gamma).

n_realizationsint, optional

Number of realizations to plot.

Colorlist, optional

Color to make the plot.

Tspanfloat, optional

Timespan of the data set. Used for converting amplitudes to residual time. Calculated from lowest red noise frequency if not provided.

la_forge.slices module

class la_forge.slices.SlicesCore(label=None, slicedirs=None, pars2pull=None, params=None, corepath=None, fancy_par_names=None, verbose=True, burn=0.25, parfile='pars.txt')[source]

Bases: Core

A class to make a la_forge.core.Core object that contains a subset of parameters from different chains. Currently this supports a list of strings for multiple columns of a given txt file or a single string.

la_forge.slices.get_col(col, filename)[source]
la_forge.slices.get_idx(par, filename)[source]
la_forge.slices.store_chains(filepaths, idxs, verbose=True)[source]

la_forge.utils module

la_forge.utils.bayes_fac(samples, ntol=200, logAmin=-18, logAmax=-12, nsamples=100, smallest_dA=0.01, largest_dA=0.1)[source]

Computes the Savage Dickey Bayes Factor and uncertainty. Based on code in enterprise_extensions. Expanded to include more options for when there are very few samples at lower amplitudes.

  • samples – MCMC samples of GWB (or common red noise) amplitude

  • ntol – Tolerance on number of samples in bin

  • logAmin – Minimum log amplitude being considered.

  • logAmax – Maximum log amplitude being considered.


(bayes factor, 1-sigma bayes factor uncertainty)

la_forge.utils.compute_rho(log10_A, gamma, f, T)[source]

Converts from power to residual RMS.

la_forge.utils.epoch_ave_resid(psr, correction=None, dt=10)[source]

Epoch averaged residuals organized by receiver.

correctionarray, optional

Numpy array which gives a correction to the residuals. Used for adding various Gaussian process realizations or timing model perturbations.


Coarse graining time [sec]. Sets filter size for TOAs.

fe_residsdict of arrays

Dictionary where each entry is an array of epoch averaged TOAS, residuals and TOA errors. Keys are the various receivers.

fe_maskdict of arrays

Dictionary where each entry is an array that asks as a mask for the receiver used as a key.

la_forge.utils.getMax2d(samples1, samples2, weights=None, smooth=True, bins=[40, 40], x_range=None, y_range=None, logx=False, logy=False, logz=False)[source]

Function to return the maximum likelihood values by interpolating over a two dimensional histogram made of two sets of samples.

samples1, samples2array or list

Arrays or lists from which to find two dimensional maximum likelihood values.

weightsarray of floats

Weights to use in histogram.

binslist of ints

List of 2 integers which dictates number of bins for samples1 and samples2.

x_rangetuple, optional

Range of samples1

y_rangetuple, optional

Range of samples2

logxbool, optional

A value of True use log10 scale for samples1.

logybool, optional

A value of True use log10 scale for samples2.

logzbool, optional

A value of True indicates that the z axis is in log10.

la_forge.utils.get_Tspan(pulsar, datadir)[source]

Returns timespan of a pulsars dataset by loading the pulsar as an enterprise.Pulsar() object.


Directory where par and tim files are found.

la_forge.utils.get_params_2d_mlv(core, par1, par2)[source]

Convenience function for finding two dimensional maximum likelihood value for any two parameters.

la_forge.utils.get_rn_noise_params_2d_mlv(core, pulsar)[source]

Convenience function to find 2d rednoise maximum likelihood values.

la_forge.utils.powerlaw(freqs, log10_A=-16, gamma=5)[source]
la_forge.utils.quantize_fast(toas, residuals, toaerrs, dt=0.1)[source]

Function to quantize and average TOAs by observation epoch. Used especially for NANOGrav multiband data.

Based on [3].


Coarse graining time [sec].

la_forge.utils.rn_power(amp, gamma=None, freqs=None, T=None, sum_freqs=True)[source]

Calculate the power in a red noise signal assuming the P=A^2(f/f_yr)^-gamma form.

la_forge.utils.set_publication_params(param_dict=None, scale=0.5)[source]
la_forge.utils.weighted_quantile(values, quantiles, sample_weight=None, values_sorted=False, old_style=False)[source]

Very close to numpy.percentile, but supports weights. NOTE: quantiles should be in [0, 1]! [From Max Ghenis via Stack Overflow:]


The data.


Many quantiles needed.


Samples weights. The same length as array.


If True, then will avoid sorting of initial array.

old_style: bool

If True, will correct output to be consistent with numpy.percentile.

computed quantilesnumpy.array

Module contents

Top-level package for La Forge.